Wishing Everyone A Very Prosperous Year Of The Pig - Kulture Kween
The Year Of The Pig

Wishing Everyone A Very Prosperous Year Of The Pig

3 mins read

The year of the pig comes at the end of the cycle of the 12 Chinese zodiacs, and the reason being is that when the Jade Emperor called for the celestial meeting, the pig overslept and was the last to arrive (I can relate to this story, meetings don’t motivate me either). In Chinese culture, it’s believed that pigs symbolize prosperity simply because, in ancient Chinese history, wealthy families usually had many pigs in their homes.

Year Of The Pig

In conclusion, this is a good year to grow our wealth and cultivate an abundance mindset.

The Year of The Pig or… Boar?

Wishing Everyone A Very Prosperous Year Of The Pig
The Year Of The Pig

Lunar New Year is not exclusive to Chinese culture. It’s also celebrated by other Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea. Interestingly, during my Japan trip recently, I noticed that the Japanese zodiac for this year is not a pig but a boar. A little research revealed that they adopted the boar instead of the pig as the latter doesn’t have many positive connotations in Japanese culture. However, this minor cultural tweak is not exclusive to the Japanese only. In Vietnam, it’s a water buffalo instead of an ox. Meanwhile, the Thai replaced the celestial dragon with the Nagini (hello, Harry Potter reference!), and the Tibetian exchanged the rabbit with the cat.

The Year Of The Pig

12 Years ago

I reflected on the last year of the pig before now, 2007. That was the year when I celebrated my graduation, moved out of the home, migrated to Singapore, started blogging and made a few new friends who, almost twelve years later, would be giving a speech at my wedding. It was the year that had put a solid foundation of what has become my life today, even though, at that time, I didn’t know it yet.

Compared to back then, I don’t wish for any significant life change this year. I want to live in the same apartment, be loved by the same person, work with the same team and celebrate with the same friends. The only movement I wish for is for me to grow.

Lucky Year?

The Year Of The Pig

The luck of each zodiac sign changes significantly in each lunar new year. Fortunately, according to the internet, I will have prosperous and happy months, especially at the beginning of this year. However, I am also reminded to declutter, postpone buying a house, eat more tomatoes and avoid going to funerals. Yep, I think I can do all that.

Pig or boar, I want to wish you, readers, a very Happy Lunar New Year. Xin Nian Kuai Le, Oink!

Follow me on Instagram @KultureKween for more recent updates.


  1. […] The smell of fresh seafood filled the air when we passed the wet market, my second favorite place in Cabramatta after the slaughterhouse. I would love to linger longer there, but decided to give away to people who were actually buying something. Next to the market, there was a provision shop where we found so many things from our childhood, from red Chinese bowls, pandan leaf to Asian snacks. After spending a good half-hour here, we came out with the iconic Vietnam hat, some kitchenware, and good luck talisman to celebrate the year of the pig. […]

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