I think travel is powerful because it can change someone’s life forever. So many twists and turns in this world mould how we see ourselves and our thoughts about anything and everything. So many of those are driven by the travel culture.
10 True Power Of Travel That Can Help To Shape You

1. Travel makes us question our relationship
A friend once said, “if you want to know the real character of a person, work with them”. I believe the same goes when you travel with them.
Staying together out of the comfort zone, far from normalcy, reveals more about people and their relationship dynamics much faster. Travel shines a fluorescent light on our love life, no matter how long we have been together. It’s going to get real and (sometimes) ain’t be pretty.
If we are happy being around them all the time, or at least if we can tolerate their antics, then ding ding ding, we have passed the relationship test, travel culture edition. Otherwise? Time to reflect on the relationship, you guys!
2. Travel makes us think we can live without 99% of our stuff
We did it! We went with one luggage (almost caused a heart attack when packing it) for the first long trip and survived. We lived decently, without once missing the things we left behind.
We thought we would suffer. But instead, we were happily living off of a suitcase.
We realized we only need so little to lead a decent life.
The question then is, what is the purpose of three containers worth of items waiting for us at home?
3. Travel gives us a high feeling even before doing it
Only a handful of people claim to have never experienced the pre-travel high. It’s when it feels like we just got a promotion or after being told we couldn’t gain weight no matter how much cheesecake we ate.
The extra things we need to take care of before travelling don’t matter. In two days or two weeks, we will be boarding a plane and whisked away to somewhere far and fun. So count on that buzz and reaffirm it every chance we can. The best part about it? We haven’t even started to travel yet!
4. Travel pushes our boundaries
Suddenly, separated by a thousand miles from our comfort zone, we are willing to risk our precious lives on a bigger scale than before.
Taking a small chopper is something we wouldn’t consider if only there were another way to reach the gorgeous tiny island waiting for us on the other side. Still, since there is none, we buckle up, say our prayers, and leave it to the higher authority (God, not the pilot).
The higher risk of disease and crime might wait for us at an unknown place, but we face it in the name of travel.
5. Travel keeps us in awe
Whether you travel to Hong Kong, Bali or Namibia, new experiences are waiting to be discovered; amazing views and delicious food are ready to knock us out of our consciousness.
We live on an unimaginable gorgeous planet, but most of the time, we get used to it; we operate on autopilot mode.
But that’s not the case when we are on the other side of the world. So instead, we keep all our senses open, precisely like a five-year-old. And that’s when the best of the world reveals itself to us.
6. Travel doesn’t quench your wanderlust; quite the opposite, actually
Now that we have travelled and dipped our feet into nomad life, we can’t NOT do it again!
The goal to travel to one dream destination turns into a worldwide wanderlust.
We have a travel bucket list now! And we promise to travel more, at least twice a year, ideally once every two months. We, my friends, have been bitten by the travel culture bug. And there is no cure for it other than travelling more and some more.
7. Travel nudges us to appreciate home
Another contradicting fact about travel culture, when we are at home, we constantly think about travelling. We dream about some exotic places, basking in foreign cultures and food (mostly food). But after some time being on the road, we start missing home. We miss the familiarity and quirky bed sheet and the stupid neighbour and their stupid small talks.
Time to book a flight home.
8. Travel teaches us to save
As the old saying goes, pack half the clothes and twice the money.
Most of the time, travel ends up costing more than expected.
Since we promised to save up for future travels, we started comparing every time we buy against another day or meal while travelling. So we learn to be thrifty and create a travel fund account, whether in the actual bank or collecting coins we diligently put into the piggy bank at home. Either way, we have another monetary goal.
9. Travel drains your cash but richens your life
We, travellers, are not rich in a conventional way, like having lots of money in the bank. Every time we reach our savings target. We book another trip instead of, let’s say, saving up for a wedding. When our peers make down payments for their houses, we quit our jobs and buy an RTW ticket. And a couple of years later, they have looked like nothing much but stories to share.
Do we regret ou when they have the placer decisions? Most probably not.
We are happy; those stories are our life experiences. Life-changing experiences are priceless, at least for us.
10. Travel increases productivity
Although some wouldn’t agree with the study that claims travel helps productivity, for others, it rings true.
An upcoming travel plan is like a shortened deadline injected with endorphins + red bull. We want to finish the project early and adequately so we can enjoy our travels without the burden of someone calling regarding the unfinished tasks.
Also, when we genuinely unplug from our daily responsibilities, the brain finally gets the much-needed rest and possibly comes up with some fresh ideas and solutions.
Travel has the potential to alter the way we live our lives, but it’s still our choice to allow it or make it only about visiting a new destination.
Surrender to the power of travel culture and immerse yourself in the travel cultural experience while on the road.
Follow me on Instagram @KultureKween for more recent updates.
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