This is the story of how I manifest and use the law of attraction to travel to Japan for the first time. You see, I have always wanted to visit it ever since forever. And, I finally get to travel to Japan tomorrow!
My Obsession with Japan
My obsession with travelling to Japan began back in history class in junior high. And my fascination with the country has only increased over time. I have always loved Japanese culture, people, lifestyle, and food.
Since I first became interested in the country, I have eaten plenty of bento and maki and enjoyed manga, anime, and video games. I have even taken some Japanese language lessons back in my university days.
Meanwhile, my work desktop screen has been the Osaka Castle amid Sakura season for months. And as soon as I got the diary for this year, I marked it down for October when I would travel to Japan.
What seemed like a random choice ten months ago has become a reality. Everything is booked and packed.

Interestingly, I’ll be going to Japan on the day I marked down on the calendar, which is tomorrow!
Travel to Japan

So yes, one more day to go to fly, I am taking a moment to nod in the law of attraction direction. I genuinely believe that with my obsessiveness over Japan, seeing it every day on my desktop and marking it on my calendar, I will finally travel to Japan.
Granted, it took some effort to get the Japanese visa. The ugly 2×2 passport picture and the work letter confirming I would be going away between the 29th and 7th of October and that I plan to use my own money. I finally got my visa after four trips (one time, I forgot the $47 fee, and another time I forgot to take all my documents).
For weeks now, I have been browsing everything in Japan.
Including “first travel to Japan” and “the best sushi restaurant in Tokyo Japan”.
It also took a lot of emails and a lengthy group chat, but finally, my friends and I could decide on the nine days Japan itinerary. It takes us from Tokyo to Kyoto (so we can visit Fushimi Inari, the most iconic shrine in Japan), to Koyasan, before returning to Tokyo. With Mount Fuji as the highlight of one of those days.
We will also be staying in four different accommodations during the trip. There’s the Ryokan in Asakusa, a chain hotel in Kyoto; Koyasan Shukubo, the Japanese temple lodging; and another hotel stay in the Shinjuku area of Tokyo. We chose two different places to stay in Tokyo to see more of the city and enjoy two unique regions.
We also picked up our Japan Rail Passes yesterday, thanks to a blogger friend for suggesting we get them after I announced my travel to Japan plan on Twitter.
Follow me on Instagram @KultureKween for more recent updates.
[…] Of the many parts of Japanese culture I have come to appreciate, Onsen might be on top of the list. I remember hanging out with a tourist couple on my last Japan trip. It was their first day and the wife asked me what was the one thing she shouldn’t miss to experience in Japan. It took me all two seconds to reply with “Onsen! It’s is public bathing in a natural hot spring. Believed to have healing power derived from its mineral content, it’s a MUST try while in Japan.” […]
[…] Using Law Of Attraction To Travel To Japan The First Time […]
Oh my god. You went in 2012 and we went in 2018. We kind of followed what you did itinerary wise (unknowingly). This is strange, like deja vu of sorts and exciting to know. I hope you’re going back for cherry blossoms sometime.
[…] When it comes about Angkor Wat. I have been living under the rocks, you guys. I usually skipped anything and everything about Angkor Wat since I got to know about it from the movie Tomb Raider like most people do because it felt like an overexposed tourist attraction. Going to Cambodia for just one temple didn’t seem right. That was before I read the book my colleague bought for her granddaughter during office lunch, the Wonders Of The World. It was a good book, very educative, filled with colorful drawings. I read about Angkor Wat in it; the history, the beliefs, the detailed carvings, it’s so captivating. Oh yes, I am going to Angkor Wat. Update: I went to Cambodia in May 2014. That’s it. I have written and sent out my 2014 cultural travel list to the Universe. Hopefully, it will be similar to that time when I used the law of attraction to travel to Japan for the first time. […]