In that moment of practicality, I settled for the golden embossing of "AMS" because I was, after all, in the Amsterdam Moleskine store.…
Keep ReadingWhen you're in the market for a new journal, do consider getting an About Blanks notebook—you might just find one that fits your personality.…
Keep ReadingHello from the flight! We’re still on the ground in Amsterdam, but we’re moving—so we’ll be leaving Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and Europe in just a few minutes. Essentially, we’re wrapping up our Europe trip. A lot has happened—not in a life-changing way, but, you know, in many good ways. If I had to think…
Keep ReadingIn the parallel Universe, I'd stay in the De Pijp neighbourhood in one of those iconic Amsterdam houses and bike everywhere.…
Keep ReadingMiaw fell somewhere in the Amsterdam metro, and a kind Asian lady picked him up and returned him to me. Thank you stranger!…
Keep ReadingGuten Morgen or something like that from the INNSiDE Amsterdam hotel! It'll be our last night in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, in Europe.…
Keep ReadingWe wandered with no agenda in De Pijp, soaking in the quirky vibe. I also started noticing the Indonesian restaurants in the neighbourhood.…
Keep ReadingI wonder, which one is dumber? Buying 20 euro beluga caviar in Helsinki or buying a box of mushroom gummies in Amsterdam for 20 euro.…
Keep ReadingTwo hours after we landed in Amsterdam, I found myself sitting in an almost-closed Noord Market 27 food court—blurry-eyed and hungry.…
Keep ReadingToeps' book starts with Japan. She takes the reader on an imaginary trip to Japan, where everything is different (if you're not Japanese).…
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