The not-in-the-itinerary visit to Lacock got me thinking about giving space to lesser-known places whenever I visit a new country.…
Keep ReadingI dream of discovering lesser-known but enchanting spots in Bath, befriending a local and writing my days away there.…
Keep ReadingToeps' book starts with Japan. She takes the reader on an imaginary trip to Japan, where everything is different (if you're not Japanese).…
Keep ReadingI was standing in the middle of a souvenir store inside the Takasaki train station when a cup caught my attention. Mogu Cup was written on the label together with the Yen symbol followed by a few digits, but no other description except for the name of the crafter, Hokuto 59. The beautifully crafted…
Keep ReadingGreetings from Copenhagen, Denmark! I am at the tail end of my Scandinavia trip, and I am ready to go home. Oh København I came with high expectations of Copenhagen, including its culture, people, and food, thanks to all the stories I had heard about it. I had a cousin who declared Copenhagen to…
Keep ReadingI was in Stockholm, Sweden, for two days and didn’t expect to like it as much as I did, but I did. The stopover city seeped into my heart from the time I reached Stockholm airport. It was pretty, efficient and celebrated the locals by featuring some of them on the walls. The first…
Keep ReadingBlique by Nobis hotel is impressive. It's beautiful and hip. And they are pretty affordable, I mean by the Scandinavian standard. …
Keep ReadingHilsen fra Bergen!…
Keep ReadingOne day in Switzerland, I headed outside Zurich and went to both Liechtenstein and Heidiland. Heidiland is a city based on the book Heidiland. I was looking at the most picturesque drop in my life. I know I say that so very often, but really, I was. I wished my parents could see this; I wished…
Keep ReadingTips to keep your sanity when you travel with family…
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