Last Night in Budapest

I feel more at home in Budapest than I did in Berlin, Krakow, or Prague, but I’m still uncertain if I’ll come back—and that’s okay, I guess.…

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Kaffee in Kreuzberg Berlin Germany

Hi from Berlin—Kreuzberg, to be specific. Don’t ask me to pronounce it; I had to Google it just to spell it. I’m having a flat white—my first one today, my first one in Berlin, and, come to think of it, my first one on this trip. The weather is lovely—warm, windy, and a bit…

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OMG, I’m in London!

I woke up today, looked out the window, and thought, “OMG, I’m in London!” The realization came a bit late, I know. It’s day four now, and yeah, let’s blame the jet lag. But now, with the jet lag that messed us up finally wearing off, I’m fully aware—I’m in London. We are in…

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