Eureka Skydeck 88 Melbourne

Today is Melbourne Eureka Skydeck 88’s 11th birthday. Yeah, the building has a birthday, on 13th May. Eureka Skydeck has been yet another overlooked Melbourne city tourist attraction. At least it was ignored by my friends and me the first time we visited Melbourne three years ago. What a mistake! Now that I live…

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Misty Morning Ride To Echuca

When I was told to go to Echuca for work stuff, I was like “Yeah, okay!” but then when it was followed by meeting my colleague who would be driving us in front of the office at 5 AM I was like NOT OKAY. But I kept it to myself because it’s work-related. I had…

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Night Color Run Melbourne

Guess who did the happiest 5k marathon yesterday? Me! I found out about The Color Run Night – Get Ready to Glow in Melbourne the day I landed here and quickly signed us up. I wanted to keep up the momentum of these happiest 5k events. Starting from last year’s Music Run in Jakarta and now with…

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10 True Power Of Travel That Can Shape You

I think travel is powerful because it can change someone’s life forever. So many twists and turns in this world mould how we see ourselves and our thoughts about anything and everything. So many of those are driven by the travel culture. 10 True Power Of Travel That Can Help To Shape You 1. Travel…

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Ringing 2016 from Sydney

I wish you a fabulous, happy, and accomplished 2016 💓 I spent my new year’s eve with Fafa, Jik, and cousin W. We celebrated New Year at the Sydney Opera House. Well, technically, looking at it. Our initial plan was to attend a party at the Sydney Dance Company, but then we roamed around and…

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Boxing Day Has Nothing To Do With Boxing

Today, 26 December, is Boxing Day in Australia, which coincidentally is my first ever Boxing Day. I first thought it had something to do with, you know, boxing, the sport. But apparently, this Commonwealth countries’ public holiday was originally about giving to the less fortunate. But thanks to capitalism, it is now all about…

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