My first ever colour run was in mid-April in Melbourne, and the next one was in mid-August in Sydney. My experience between these two Color Run events was as different as day and night, and here’s why… COLD RAINY NIGHT IN VS. WARM SUNNY MORNING The Melbourne Night Color Run was held on one…
Keep ReadingWelcome to Fremantle prison. Once you are inside, you have been stripped off of your freedom.…
Keep ReadingIt shouldn’t be a surprise since we all call McDonald’s differently in many pockets of the world. In Indonesia, we refer to it as “MecDi".…
Keep ReadingIf I lived in Sydney, I would be a regular at Devon Cafe for sure because their food brought me back to Japan. To my Japan and lots of happy memories of Japan.…
Keep ReadingThe Pinnacles turned out to be my favourite part of my trip to Perth, Western Australia. I went to the Pinnacles on my first morning there. Travelling solo without a driving license, I took the tour that includes a lobster shack, the Pinnacles, and sandboarding; with tour mates who came from all over the…
Keep ReadingWhen people told me it's a quiet town with nothing much to do, I came prepared with a packed Perth itinerary, a Kindle and a travel journal.…
Keep ReadingOn my first morning in Perth, I roamed around Hag street. My mission was to get my first cup of jo before the tour and thought I’d get McDonald’s’ but no, Perth has plenty of coffee shops. I even saw a dripped coffee shop and it’s not even 8 AM yet. I settled for…
Keep ReadingI am writing this blog post to you from Melbourne airport while waiting to board my plane to Perth, Western Australia.…
Keep ReadingSummary of the last 30 days of Kulture Kween, the person and the blog, which are heavily based on the notes I scribbled down in my journal.…
Keep ReadingI told him that Fafa's friends were pressuring me to choose a Melbourne footy club and that I wasn't sure how or who to choose.…
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