When people told me it's a quiet town with nothing much to do, I came prepared with a packed Perth itinerary, a Kindle and a travel journal.…
Keep ReadingOn my first morning in Perth, I roamed around Hag street. My mission was to get my first cup of jo before the tour and thought I’d get McDonald’s’ but no, Perth has plenty of coffee shops. I even saw a dripped coffee shop and it’s not even 8 AM yet. I settled for…
Keep ReadingI am writing this blog post to you from Melbourne airport while waiting to board my plane to Perth, Western Australia.…
Keep ReadingSummary of the last 30 days of Kulture Kween, the person and the blog, which are heavily based on the notes I scribbled down in my journal.…
Keep ReadingI told him that Fafa's friends were pressuring me to choose a Melbourne footy club and that I wasn't sure how or who to choose.…
Keep ReadingI realised that I had recently immersed myself in Melbourne coffee culture when I ordered two cups of flat white without thinking much.…
Keep ReadingI realised there is a rule to a good Australia road trip; let's call it the Australia road trip trifecta cooler.…
Keep ReadingI have always wanted to visit the Sydney Fish Market ever since I visited Australia for the first time years ago, but it was vetoed by my cousins. Because, as they said, who would fly across the continent to visit a fish market? The thing is a market, especially the fish market has always…
Keep ReadingLast year I decided that I am going to explore all the aquariums in Australia just to prove that Fafa is wrong about me wasting my dollars on the Merlion pass. I did just that when I went to Sydney to visit Jik. On a cold, rainy Saturday I packed her canvas t0te bag and headed down…
Keep ReadingIn my mind, the Vivid Sydney cruise would be similar to the Dubai Dhow Cruise I took Amma on some years ago.…
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