Tips to keep your sanity when you travel with family…
Keep ReadingDo you know that smoking weed is an illegal BUT unpunishable offence in Netherland?! Gave you tried space cake before?…
Keep ReadingBiryani meal on the flight to Dubai looked appetising, and I am sure it would taste the same had I not finished a space brownie hours before.…
Keep ReadingI have to tick off some things on my Amsterdam travel list, including the Jordaan and Rembrandtplein, among others.…
Keep ReadingToday, I had my first Poffertjes, a Dutch delicacy from the famous De Carrousel Pannenkoeken Amsterdam. I am living a beautiful dream.…
Keep ReadingOn the canal ride, I fought the tiredness of not sleeping for two days mixed with alcohol. Feeling half-delirious that I was in Amsterdam.…
Keep ReadingShortly after, I met Amsterdam city. Oh my, I don’t have words to describe my feelings at that time. I was at the peak of happiness. The street was clean, with people on bicycles and yellowish leaves in the trees lining. I was greeted by Autumn. I didn't see as many big buildings as…
Keep ReadingI just got done with my first epic Europe trip itinerary. Since it's my first, I am considering some tour options, hence the prices.…
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