The first thing that came into my mind when I saw Stonehenge at the closest range I could was my friend Sha’s words:
Stonehenge is grossly overrated
The thing is, unlike Sha, who has travelled a significant portion of the world, I am still a travel newbie. Also, I proudly have a low-ish standard of certain things. I am saying that it doesn’t take much to impress me, be it food or a new place, especially during my travel.
On top of all that, Stonehenge had been on my bucket list since I knew about Stonehenge (which I didn’t think about all that long ago). As someone who loves everything, woo-woo Stonehenge felt like a must-visit before I get reincarnated.
But that day, standing soaking wet in front of Stonehenge with crowds in its’ background, I could only agree with Sha. Stonehenge was overrated, indeed.
It was just a few stones that were much smaller IRL compared to what has been portrayed arranged in a circle.
My instinct was to return to the bus immediately, but Fafa made us do one round. Maybe it’s better from a different angle, he said.

Maybe, I’d feel something transcendent by circling it fully, I thought to myself. The same feeling I had felt in many sacred places and not-really-sacred places (the British museum is one of them).
We circled ━ nothing happened. The only thing I could feel was cold – from the heavy rain. Finally, defeated, we took the bus back to the main area and went inside the gift shop for shelter.
There, I got souvenirs like the healing blue stone fridge magnet, stamps, and a pair of socks. We also got matchy Stonehenge t-shirts to change from our completely wet clothes.

If you ask me what the best thing about going to Stonehenge was, I’d say sitting in the bus, leaving the vicinity with matchy giftshop t-shirts with Fafa, knowing that the next stop was a pub lunch.
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