Sky Bus from and to Melbourne Airport

How To Take Sky Bus from and to Melbourne Airport

1 min read

So you have decided to travel from and to Melbourne Airport by bus. 

Here is how:

Take the train and stop at the Southern Cross Station. From the Southern Cross Station, take Skybus straight to the airport. Skybus leaves every 10 minutes. For more details, please check out the timetable here. Don’t forget to count the travelling time ━ around 1 hour from the city centre/Southern Cross Station.

Happy travelling you guys!

Follow me on Instagram @KultureKween for more recent updates.

πŸšŒβ” KK


  1. […] Bidding goodbye to my beloved Tokyo and Japan. Dragging our big luggage from One@Tokyo hotel to Oshiage SkyTree station. Taking two trains to reach the Narita Airport. Eating one last Yoshinoya meal for the year (unless we come back in Christmas ━ which is very likely). Drinking Starbucks’ Seasonal Hot Azuki Beans and of course their softest Strawberry Chiffon cake. Sleeping all throughout the flight to Manila. Almost losing it at the Manila International Airport. And watching Booksmart on the way back to Melbourne. […]

  2. […] Bidding goodbye to my beloved Tokyo and Japan. Dragging our big luggage from One@Tokyo hotel to Oshiage SkyTree station. Taking two trains to reach the Narita Airport. Eating one last Yoshinoya meal for the year (unless we come back in Christmas ━ which is very likely). Drinking Starbucks’ Seasonal Hot Azuki Beans and of course their softest Strawberry Chiffon cake. Sleeping all throughout the flight to Manila. Almost losing it at the Manila International Airport. And watching Booksmart on the way back to Melbourne. […]

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