Not a Newsletter: Sep14 Edition

3 mins read

Last day of September.

A lot of things happened this month.

I have been officially unemployed for a month now.

So far, I used my free time to gamble, stack up cat stationery from Typo, pay the library a long-overdue visit, hang out with the sharks in SEA, and enjoy some fun art.

I celebrated my birthday with everyone I loved at Mangotree, a Kerala restaurant in Singapore. The theme was stripes; there were balloons and colourful macaroons. Surrounded by them (friends and family, not the cake), I felt so much love. I, of course, love my gifts, but I really appreciate the words written on my birthday cards. Thank you, guys, for another memorable birthday!

I left Singapore and moved back to Jakarta, back to my childhood bedroom, the purple room, at my parents,

Don’t that last two events sound like regress? Gah! But I had a home-cooked meal just now, which beats eating food by the microwave at midnight. So, for now, I will focus on those happy things.

I also wrote a guest post and participated in #BlogEverydayinSept.

I am taking a gap month(s), so next month, the main focus is relaxation and reset, and I am looking forward to it.

Now that I’m back in Jakarta, I would love to join the local blogger community. I’m a little worried, though, that I won’t blend easily in the beginning because I can be awkward at times. Anyway, I’ll keep you updated. For this month’s link love and in relation to what I mentioned earlier, I present to you some cool Indo bloggers.

🔖 ━ Do you collect a certain thing when you travel? I collect necklaces, while Bintang collects scissors! Among others 🔖 That feeling when you start craving for your own food 🔖 Benablog’s written in Bahasa, most of you won’t understand it, but I have to include it because he is the funniest! 🔖 A sneak peek at Jakarta’s anniversary 🔖 Do you give your house a name? Meet BidiBidiBongBongthe happily coloured home of a famous fashion blogger 🔖 Debbie’s pictures have made me daydream about Mount Bromo ever since 🔖 An interesting local coffee shop! Now included in my Jakarta coffee list 🔖 Let them take you diving in Gili.

Read more about last year’s happenings.

Follow me on Instagram @KultureKween for more recent updates.

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