Coffee on Train - Salzburg to Vienna - Kulture Kween
Salzburg Airline Dining

Coffee on Train – Salzburg to Vienna

1 min read

We are on our way from Salzburg to Vienna, and we got coffee for free on the train.

I am a sucker for a tiny milk/creamer sachet. I used to steal it from everywhere and had to take a picture of it. It turned out blurry, but Miaw looks almighty here, so I want to include it here.

I kept annoying my cousins by saying, “Grüß Gott” – an Austrian way to greet each other. Even though I couldn’t pronounce it properly, I thought it’d be cool to say to greet the locals while we are in the city. My cousins, though, disagree. They say I will only offend the locals as I am butchering the words.

Oh, Vienna…

When I studied geography in the seventh standard, I learned about Austria (that it’s not the same as Australia) and its capital city.

My main reason for visiting Vienna? The culture… Well, no, that’s a lie. My real reason is to eat the famous Sacher Torte!

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