Qantas Amsterdam Melbourne

Seven Grain Rice on Qantas – Amsterdam to Melbourne

1 min read

Hello from the flight! We’re still on the ground in Amsterdam, but we’re moving—so we’ll be leaving Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and Europe in just a few minutes. Essentially, we’re wrapping up our Europe trip.

A lot has happened—not in a life-changing way, but, you know, in many good ways. If I had to think about what I missed, I’d say… well, umm… the Aurora Borealis and Melk Wiking’s book launch. I also wonder if I missed out on doing a cooking class this trip (but then again, I wouldn’t say I loved the local food all that much).

What else from this trip? I’d say I picked up some good points—like embracing slow living, the joy of hot saunas and cold dips, and the power of the Marimekko brand (which I appreciated in a limited way). That said, I’ll probably never be a fan of Middle Eastern food. This trip also reminded me that humans can be unsafe (so I should always protect myself), and I became more aware of the effects of noise pollution, too.

I’m hungry. How long will it be before they serve food? I’m getting the rice. Or, more specifically, pan-fried chicken of Chicken Velouté Served with seven-grain rice, steamed broccoli and blanched yellow and orange carrots.

Follow me on Instagram @KultureKween for more recent updates.

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