My Qantas flight was delayed for more than two hours. I am not happy about it and about Qantas.
Flight delays have become a norm for Qantas. I should have expected it, but I woke up at 5 AM today. And this is a work trip, so gratitude derived from a pre-travel high is a bit far-fetched.
Also, thanks to the first-hour delay, I caved in and got some overpriced airport food – Pan Catalana, which I paid $15 for ($20.24 including a large cup of oat milk flat-white ). I feel like I should be salty that two slices of garlic bread smeared with the teensiest bit of tomato spread with two pieces of prosciutto cost that much, but at least it tasted good. I snapped a picture to show Fafa what a Pan Catalana was, and the manager came by and asked me to write a review on Facebook. I don’t have Facebook, so it’d be here: Bar Pulpo by Movida in Melbourne International Airport is a good option for an overpriced airport meal, especially if you need to eat your heart out due to the continuous disappointment by Qantas.
I spent the next half-hour reading and pondering whether to continue reading the only book I had brought from home, A Tapestry of Colours 1: Stories from Asia, which I quickly realized was a book for primary school but continued reading because I was already in the middle of the story. But eventually, my brain couldn’t take it anymore and demanded something more stimulating, so I walked to one of the two bookstores.
My choices were Wellmania (but it felt like a repeated Kindle read), The New Wife (but it felt like read within a day and return for the refund to Amazon kind of read), and I Don’t Need Therapy (who’s Tony Lodge?). Ultimately, I scanned and paid for the no-sticker-price tag of I Don’t Need Therapy for $32.99, thinking it better be suitable for that price tag.
So there I was, on Gate 3, a few chapters down (it’s good, I want to be friends with her) when they announced that we were finally going to the board. The announcement was followed by enthusiastic cheering but some people.
What were they cheering for? For Qantas being late 2+ hours??? Qantas’ CEO would have been fired on the same day if this was Singapore.
Ps. The rest of the flight was smooth, the Beef Ravioli served on board was edible, and the red wine was lovely. And we reached Auckland safely, which in a grander scheme, was the only thing that mattered.
Still, I’d like Qantas to be reimbursed $53.23 for the unexpected expense above, and I am willing to take flight credit.
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