The Pinnacles Desert In Perth Western Australia

The Pinnacles turned out to be my favourite part of my trip to Perth, Western Australia. I went to the Pinnacles on my first morning there. Travelling solo without a driving license, I took the tour that includes a lobster shack, the Pinnacles, and sandboarding; with tour mates who came from all over the…

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Reporting from Perth

On my first morning in Perth, I roamed around Hag street. My mission was to get my first cup of jo before the tour and thought I’d get McDonald’s’ but no, Perth has plenty of coffee shops. I even saw a dripped coffee shop and it’s not even 8 AM yet. I settled for…

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To Perth

I am writing this blog post to you from Melbourne airport while waiting to board my plane to Perth, Western Australia.…

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The Long Overdue Visit To Sydney Fish Market Australia

I have always wanted to visit the Sydney Fish Market ever since I visited Australia for the first time years ago, but it was vetoed by my cousins. Because, as they said, who would fly across the continent to visit a fish market? The thing is a market, especially the fish market has always…

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