A couple of random turns from the main street, I stumbled upon The English Bookshop to my delight. After confirming with Jena on her ETA, I took a deep breath, turned the door handle, and went inside.…
Greetings from Bergen airport! I was supposed to write daily on the blog documenting my Scandinavia trip live but I haven’t done it at all. I guess it’s because I have been fighting thick-ass jetlag. Norway has been really lovely! Bergen especially is gorgeous. Okay more about it soon. Going to board now! Follow…
Dinner was a whole different affair. We went to a semi-fine-dining Indonesian restaurant together with my cousin who lives there. Sampurna didn’t disappoint our jet-lagged souls.…
The last time I stepped into a new country and got a new chop on my passport was more than 5 years ago. Back in a hot minute, you guys. Hopefully, with more travel culture stories.…