No Zloty in Poland

I am in Poland without any Zloty in hand. This is the first country I’ve travelled to without carrying its currency, and it feels a bit… well, daunting. But, that might just be my millennial brain talking. So far, I’ve added visiting Poland in winter to my to-do list and learned that a cross…

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Kaffee in Kreuzberg Berlin Germany

Hi from Berlin—Kreuzberg, to be specific. Don’t ask me to pronounce it; I had to Google it just to spell it. I’m having a flat white—my first one today, my first one in Berlin, and, come to think of it, my first one on this trip. The weather is lovely—warm, windy, and a bit…

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(T)Hai from Noord Market 27 Amsterdam

Two hours after we landed in Amsterdam, I found myself sitting in an almost-closed Noord Market 27 food court—blurry-eyed and hungry—sharing a bowl of tofu red curry and rice with Fafa because all the other stalls were closed. While eating he asked, “Why tofu?” I was too tired to answer the same question he…

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