Not a Newsletter: Oct15 Edition

5 mins read

I got an email yesterday from someone who said they love my blog. My blog, you guys! Usually, I am the one who sends those emails when I come across a new blog that adds to my life, so it was exhilarating to be on the receiving side of such emails.

This time last year, I was travelling with my cousins, having the best time of my life. This year, I spent my life in the office, trying to develop a much better budget. Ugh! So yeah, work, in a word, has been crazy; in two words, it’s crazy tiring; In a complete sentence: it has been mad tiring and makes me feel murderous every single day. It was the sole reason that pushed me to go drinking today. I couldn’t deal with one more work mail without alcohol in my system.

Two friends, an hour and a bottle later, I went back to work to lock my laptop in and go home. I needed this break.

Speaking of work, my manager, who hired me, is leaving. We planned a farewell party for her tomorrow, including colourful dresses, red lipstick, and a photo box. I have mixed feelings about her leaving. She is a good manager and will be missed, but I am also happy for her to pursue her goals.

New and Loving

Now, do you remember when I asked on Instagram, what’s this tired-looking egg thingy that I saw in Tokyo? Someone replied, it’s called Gudetama, which means lazy egg. Hahahaha… I was intrigued by this yellow runny face. I started reading more about it herehere, and many others before finally adopting it as my weekend persona. Hey, if Beyonce can have Sasha, let me have Gudetama.

My news feed has been populated by Animal Crossing thingy, a game. Have you heard of it? Do you like it? Will I like it? Is it anything like Harvest Moon? If yes, where can I get it?

I have been doing a shameful amount of online shopping, and I blame it more on work-life stress this past month. And I don’t see it’s winding down in the next month, hence clicking the buy button on Etsy. I am not proud, but I am not sorry. So I will wear the necklace on my work shirt and rock the meetings.

I also purchased subscription boxes. It started innocently when I wanted to check the one recommended by the podcasters I follow religiously. After four hours of extensive research, I got not one but two boxes. It helps to come home to a (planned) surprise after 15 hours of work.


Here is a fun read about the more expensive food in Singapore.

Read and Media

Have you watched Quantico? I am thrilled that Priyanka Chopra, an Asian/Indian/actress, plays a lead role in an American crime TV drama. Bravo to her for nailing the job and keeping me interested until episode 4. Also, that hair?! Man! Best TV hair ever. Thank God I read Mindy Kaling’s Why Not Me? Recently (a birthday gift from Jik), she convinced me that none supports their original hair on screen. Phew! Thanks, Mindy; I can watch Priyanka without turning green.

Okay, you guys, I will watch Quantico and sleep now. I will write more and reply to every single one of you after my work becomes less hectic or when I manage to slip out for another round of happy juice, whichever comes faster.

Time Machine

Read more about last year’s happenings.

Thank You, Next!

I am jealous of my northern hemisphere friends who enjoy Autumn and all the awesome things that come with it, like golden brown nature, chilly weather, and happier people, except for the Pumpkin Spice Tea Latte; I don’t get what the deal with it is.

The last one, I know my birthday is still eleven months away, but here is an idea on what to get future me please: the Lunar cup, designed by a Korean company, it shows the different phases of the moon when we drink it: that, or anything Gudetama.

Follow me on Instagram @KultureKween for more recent updates.

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