Nerd-ing in Narita Airport Japan - Kulture Kween
Narita Tokyo Japan

Nerd-ing in Narita Airport Japan

2 mins read

Narita seems quite ordinary compared to everything I have heard about Japan, don’t you agree? After they officially let you into Japan, the first thing to do is to collect your JR Pass*.

Let’s take JR to the city so you can keep your luggage and start exploring.

Japan Rail Pass is a train pass you can pre-order online (I highly recommend it). Then, on the day you arrive, collect it at Narita. JR Pass allows unlimited JR train rides everywhere, even between cities. Trust me, it’s worth buying, especially if you plan to visit other cities in Japan, which are covered in the following itinerary, where we will no longer be in Tokyo. If you have more plans in Tokyo, do it today or extend your days as you please; otherwise, check out the next leg of the Japan itinerary.

Dragging our kitchen sink luggage at Tokyo train stations during the busy period was not a pleasant experience. Yin yelled a small victory once we reached the right platform *long sigh* We took Shinkansen, the legendary Japanese bullet train, booked our seat a day earlier and didn’t need to pay anything since our JR Pass covers it. The train ride was smooth, with a lovely view. I have taken train rides since I was young and have always enjoyed them.

The train ride from Narita Airport was fun! It’s one of the things I love most about Japan. Japan has top-notch trains (and unique ones); they are clean, fast, and on schedule. I loved the view from it and got excited whenever the lady with a food cart passed by our cart.

Almost two hours and several rice cakes later, we reached.

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