Miso Soup in JAL - SG to Narita

Miso Soup on JAL – SG to Narita

1 min read

Now, let’s talk about my favorite part of this airplane dining series.

It was a red-eye to Narita, and I had to sit separately from my best friends as we booked the same flight separately. This time, I chose the window seat. On the other side, there was a light sleeper who, as I could sense, kept waking up every time I tossed and turned inside the blanket. Oops, sorry sis or was it, bro? I couldn’t really tell. A few hours later, I was woken up by this meal. Yummy, Yum Yum!! I polished everything except for the salad because salad in the air is just a sad concept. The best part about it was the miso soup. Miso soup on air, people! That’s something you don’t get to experience every time you travel, I thought while high-fiving myself.

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