Magnetic Termite Mounds Darwin NT

The Cathedral Magnetic Termite Mounds in Darwin

1 min read

In my somewhat semi-dumb quest to take pictures with all of Australia Big Things (there are officially 22 of them), I had a photo taken in front of the Cathedral Magnetic Termite Mounds—or, in layman’s terms, a gigantic termite nest.

Is it the largest termite nest in the Northern Territory? I don’t know, but it was certainly the biggest one I have seen. Despite not being one of the official 22 Australia’s Big Things, it was there in Darwin; it was enormous — and yes, as I mentioned earlier, it’s silly, but still, I just had to do it.

It feels even dumber to remember that every five years or so, the major concern in my parents’ household has always been termite infestations. And here I am, having travelled 3,149 km from my home (2,723 km from my parents’) to snap a selfie in front of the Cathedral Magnetic Termite Mounds — or, in layman’s terms, a gigantic home constructed by the relatives of the termites that have periodically disrupted my parents’ peace.

I know. It’s dumb. But it’s fun — as long as my parents never find out about this, I’d say no harm, no foul. Plus, that’s two Australia Big Things checked off the list — 21 more to go.

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