I always thought a work trip was glamorous, but that’s until I landed in Kuala Lumpur yesterday morning. I had to wake up at 3 AM to shower, get ready and leave the flat at 4 AM to reach the airport on time to board the 6 AM flight.
Once I landed in Kuala Lumpur, I had to go straight to work and spent the whole day working-sorting out accounting stuff that was a headache and enduringly messy. Finally, after completing the most urgent tasks, the main reason I was there was that I left to check into the hotel, only to crash into the hotel bed immediately after showering, forgetting the room service I had ordered right before.

I woke up hours before dawn, hungry but not hungry enough to eat the stale room service. So I went back to sleep.
Today was considerably better. I demolished a plate of Nasi Lemak at OldTown White Coffee for breakfast and started my work for the day. I then went out for a late lunch with the entire Malaysia team. We had Indian food at a roadside Mamak stall ━ , and it was delicious. After lunch, it was back to work for me. Thankfully, I managed to wrap up work at a more decent hour.
I was given the option to either stay for another day or two or go back and finish the pending work from Singapore. I chose the latter; hence, I am writing on my phone twenty minutes or so before landing in Singapore ━ and two hours or so before I get to crawl into my bed, which I abandoned so hastily yesterday morning.
May the past two days in Kuala Lumpur serve me as a reminder that business travel is not all that, especially if I wake up before dawn.
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[…] are house complexes built at the harbour on top of the water created by Chinese immigrants in Malaysia who share common historical, geographical, and lineage […]