Kulture Kween

Not a Newsletter: Jul21 Edition

2 mins read

We moved into the house!!!

On our third night in the house, and I felt the urge to name it. It, as in the house. So I shortlisted a few names and shared them with Fafa. The man raised his eyebrow in confusion. “Why.. would we name a house??” he asked. After my long-winded reasoning, which essentially comes down to “because I want to 🤷🏽‍♀️” he raised his eyebrow again when he read the list properly for the second time. There was a generous repetition of words such as (and similar to) Osaka, Lilly Pilly, cherry/cheery, autumn and yellow ━ solely because of the yellow front door. Finally, he pointed out the last on the list, coincidently the last name I thought of and kinda like a lot. Joyakiume. Aki and Ume, respectively mean Autumn and plum in Japanese (no surprise there if you are a long-time reader of the blog or know me IRL), forming the meaning as the Joy of Autumn plum. I get that the name wouldn’t make much sense to anyone else, but it does to us so let me have a try to explain it here: blossoming plum trees in autumn is an unusual occurrence, making it an extraordinary ━ joyful occasion if I may. And that’s my wish for the house ━ to manifest many joy-filled experiences (the Ten of Cups kind) that are memorable for us.

Next step: a veggie patch.

Read, Watched and Browsed

🔖 ━ I found a Footscray food blog and another interesting food blog that’s not only Footscray’s focus. Another blog I love (but it has nothing to do with food or Footscray): Pedalkraft.

Things in My Mind

This house is now another planet orbiting my Universe. And maybe for the same reason, I am not at all scared of ghosts in the house. Speaking of ghosts, there is no concept of monsters under the bed in Indonesia, and I wonder why.

Time Machine

Read more about last year’s happenings.

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