Originating from India, Chai is a flavoured tea beverage made by brewing black tea with a mixture of aromatic Indian spices and herbs. Unlike my cousins, who have been Chai lovers for a while, my appreciation for it started to blossom only after I moved to Melbourne. Only after I experienced a full-on winter and succumbed to the power of Chai to warm me up. My love for it grew even stronger after reading the coffee table book Chai Pilgrimage.
I recently went to the annual Melbourne Tea Festival, and the first stall that caught my attention was obviously the tea stall called Chai Walli. The stall had two choices, regular milk and soy chai. I tried soy milk and loved it but I didn’t want to commit to the first tea I sipped there.

They also sold these little chai glasses. Oh man, it brought back scenes from Tamil movies in my mind. Had I still worked in Singapore, these glasses would be a hit among my co-workers, but here, who am I to share the joy of finding them with? Shout out to all my Indian readers, and do tell me if you are a fan of the cute tea glasses as well.
Finally, I gave in and bought the t-shirt. Okay, I lied. I didn’t think for another second when I saw this t-shirt. It’s freaking awesome! It says EAT SLEEP CHAI REPEAT. How could I not buy it??
Chai Walli is ☕☕☕☕☕/5 stars. It’s my current absolute favourite!
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[…] There is no better-tasting chai than the chai served on the India roadside chai stall. […]
[…] I love wine, and I have drunk plenty of wine to know that I might be a borderline alcoholic when it comes to wine. But I don’t know much about wine to identify which ones are of good quality. I do know that among all the wines I have had, Gluhwein is my absolute favourite. I am completely and utterly in love with this delicious warm wine. Especially during cold nights, winter months and festive seasons. I wonder whether I love it so much because it essentially is the alcoholic-non-milk version of Chai. […]
[…] Read more on tea and tea traditions in other cultures: Tea Tradition in Nomadic Mongolian Culture // Pulling The Tea of Teh Tarik in Singapore // Teh Botol The National Drink of Indonesia // High Tea in London Double Decker Bus // Melbourne Chai Crawl // Magical Mojo Tea Lounge in Prahran Melbourne // Satya Chai Lounge in Auckland // a short reflection on tea traditions around the world // Eat Chai Repeat. […]
[…] home blend of spices and milk. My thoughts trailed about whether it was worth doing an Auckland Chai Crawl post like the one I did for […]