While roaming Auckland city aimlessly, I stumbled upon Grey Lynn Farmers Market. For a second, I hesitated to check it out; after being cashless and ATM-less in Parnell Community Market last year, I felt like Auckland farmer markets left a lot to be desired (after all, I am the snob who came from hipster Melbourne).

But this time, I had a fresh NZD100 bill tucked in my wallet, and it wasn’t like I had something else planned, so in I went.
Grey Lynn Farmers Market definitely got a bit more hipster market vibes with its athleisure-wearing dog harness-holding crowds. There was also quintessential hipster market sighting, such as coffee trucks, veggie-in boxes and home-brand products from jam to soap.
Interesting Finding in Grey Lynn Farmers Market
Mushroom Growing Kit ━ Mushborn

Okay, I know I started this post dissing the farmer markets in Auckland, but I had never seen Mushroom Growing Kit in any farmers’ market before. The growing kit looked a bit weird, but how could it be to grow your mushroom at home?

Indian Paste in Jar ━ Dolly Mumma

I saw the same stall in Parnell Community Market before and googled them as I once bought homemade spices from a Srilankan stall in Woodend Farmers Market before and thoroughly loved it. Dolla Mummy falls into the same category. They sell homemade Indian paste in a jar. With an extensive range, these would be a better option to make Indian food with than the whitewashed version in the supermarkets.
Kimchi Stall ━ Ginger Pantry
The stall got my attention with the “Korean Rice Punch” sign. It was only 10 in the morning, a bit too early for a punch, but then I thought, “When else?“.

With that and a tap on the EFTPOS machine, I treated myself to a cup of it which turned out to be delicious. A must-try if you ever visit Grey Lynn Farmers Market.
I wanted to try Dolly Mumma’s Spiced Ghee and Ginger Pantry’s Gochujang, but my laptop bag was full with the camera and a book I got from a bookstore a few minutes walk from the Grey Lynn Farmers Market. Also, with all the border control laws, I am not even sure whether I could bring it back them back Australia.
In the end, I bought myself a bunch of flowers from the Grey Lynn Farmers Market, which accompanied me in the hotel room for the week.

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