Beach Vacation Fiji

Fiji Diary Day 3: Mushy, Tan and Full of Nasi Goreng

1 min read

Today we spent our vacation in Fiji just lazying around Denaru Island.

In the morning, we chilled by the pool, walked along the beach, and then returned to the pool for a swim – with an endless flow of cocktails and food from the poolside restaurant.

Beach Vacation Fiji

We also did water aerobics; I then went picking shells while Jik worked for a while. We decided to go to the Marina to have a Fijian cuisine late lunch even though neither of us was hungry hungry. But we are on a beach vacation in Fiji; if not now, when?

Back in the resort, we treated ourselves to Fijian-style spa sessions, which started with a sea salt scrub, and an intense oil massage and ended with a facial. Then we went back to the room for a nap.

In the evening, we walked along the beach, passing by beautiful resorts. I tried to find unusual shells while Jik took beautiful sunset videos. Eventually, we stopped at Suva Cafe, ordered cassava chips, tapas and fancy-ass cocktails and talked about lives, from good problems to travel plans.

It’s nighttime in Fiji now. My brain is all mushy, my skin tan and my tummy full from the Nasi Goreng room service we just had.

Life is good. Life is good in Fiji.

Follow me on Instagram@KultureKween for more recent updates.

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