Summary of the last 30 days of Kulture Kween, the person and the culture blog, which are based on the notes I scribbled down in my journal.…
Keep ReadingIt is nearing midnight Singapore time, and I just drew the card for the day from my trust Golden Rider Waite Smith tarot deck. My question: “What was the theme of the day?” The Tower Ha! It’s pretty f-ing clear. I have been in Singapore for 24 hours now. I have many plans, people…
Keep ReadingI wonder if it makes the tee my writing PJs, a good luck charm for writers. I wonder whether other writers have a clothing piece talisman.…
Keep ReadingLet me start with this: why are we rushing into Christmas like our lives depend on it?? I noticed it from the first week of November, and by mid-month, I was surrounded by all things Christmas, from Christmas decorations to shopping, trees, PJs, and even food. I went to Terror Twilight Collingwood and had…
Keep ReadingSummary of the last 30 days of Kulture Kween, the person and the culture blog, which are based on the notes I scribbled down in my journal.…
Keep ReadingSummary of the last 30 days of Kulture Kween, the person and the blog, which are heavily based on the notes I scribbled down in my journal.…
Keep ReadingI first got to know Kalyan, the famous Indian food blogger, as an author of the Travel-Food Memoir (The Travelling Belly: Eating Through India's By-Lanes) while researching the connection between food and death in different cultures.…
Keep ReadingTiny Joys When I was in school, my then-best friend, Xan, introduced me to the farming game Harvest Moon. I promptly fell madly in love with it. After school, I would go home, change, eat, and immediately turn on my PlayStation to farm inside the TV. I loved raising my farm animals, planting seeds, talking…
Keep ReadingWe are off to Bali in a couple of weeks to get married – the second time around, in front of friends and family, and then off to Japan for our honeymoon. So yeah, life is hectic rn, but I want to take a second to record this moment 🙂 Time Machine Read more…
Keep ReadingSummary of the last 30 days of Kulture Kween, the person and the blog, which are heavily based on the notes I scribbled down in my journal.…
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