Beer! Hello from Prague - the land of bottomless Pilsner and delicious Czech pastries. We are here til tomorrow :)…
Keep ReadingHenna art has its own significance in Indian traditions and culture from weddings to medical. The Indian culture has great traditional value for it.…
Keep ReadingBangkok has been the first of many cultural experiences for me. It was the first time I visited a weekend market, a Wat and took a boat to cross a river. I loved most of my experiences there, though not all of them. I have been here for a few days and am leaving…
Keep ReadingInterestingly, even after centuries, Haiku, Japanese-born poetry, remains popular and has integrated well into modern Japanese culture.…
Keep ReadingWell, you live, and you learn (new tidbits about other cultures). Or you repeat another day. You know, a la Groundhog Day.…
Keep ReadingWhen I shared this with him, he grunted and replied, "You a(l)so another Yaya Papaya!!" Oh, Singapore, I love you so much!…
Keep ReadingI work in the travel industry and have been including the word exotic, the most overused travel jargon, in almost all tour proposals.…
Keep ReadingHappy Lunar New Year! In Indonesia, we also call it Tahun Baru (New Year) Imlek. Imlek has an interesting history in Indonesia, which might be only partially true as it’s a personal observation as an outsider, but I’ll try. When I was still in school, Imlek wasn’t widely recognized. We didn’t talk about it,…
Keep ReadingI love finding, seeing, and reading Indian names on the roads. It makes me feel like I belong a little better.…
Keep ReadingI moved to Singapore and loving it! I love its' culture and my life here ─ oh and the fact that I can drink the tap water.…
Keep ReadingAustralia 🪃 Austria 🍰 Belgium 🇧🇪 Cambodia 🇰🇭 China 🐼 Denmark 🇩🇰 Fiji 🌴 France 🥐 Germany 🥨 Hong Kong 🧡 India 🥻 Indonesia 🌶️ Italy 🍝 Japan ⛩️ Liechtenstein 🇱🇮 Malaysia 🧡 Monaco 🧡 the United Kingdom 🧡 the Netherlands 🧡 New Zealand 🧡 Norway 🧡 the Philippines 🧡 Qatar 🧡 Singapore 🧡…
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