Tsumugi’s Temple-Inspired 18-Dish Breakfast in Tokyo

It was Fafa who found out about Tsumugi’s 18-dish breakfast in Tokyo, which wasn’t surprising as the man has been obsessed with breakfast time and breakfast food ever since I knew him. Shojin Ryori? I have had Shojin Ryori (Japanese temple cuisine ━ a set menu based on Buddhism teaching) before, while staying in…

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Nattō Is Closer To My Palate Than I Expected It To Be

I finally tried the notorious Nattō, a Japanese delicacy of fermented soybeans. Nattō usually accompanies Asagohan, a traditional Japanese breakfast, but it can also be eaten with a bowl of rice or even as is. I had it for the first time in CIBI, a so-called Japanese breakfast cafe in Melbourne. Their Ultimate breakfast…

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