My last night in Budapest. Earlier, Fafa asked me if I would ever return to Budapest—Pesti, as the locals call it. I was quick to say no. But now, I’m not so sure. I feel more at home here than I did in Berlin, Krakow, or Prague, but I’m still uncertain if I’ll come back—and that’s okay, I guess.
People say that travelling to multiple countries can make the memories blur together, like a variation of “after a while, all cobblestones start to blend.” But I disagree. Budapest stands out with its Parliament Building, Thermal Baths, and iconic yellow tram cruising beside the beautiful Danube River.
Should I wake him up to tell him I’ve changed my mind? Maybe I’ll tell him tomorrow that instead of the concoction of the Epsom salt bath half an hour ago, together with T2’s Sleep Tight and Lavender oil roll-on, is hitting me hard. Zzz Budapest zzZ…
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[…] the end, I bought a limited-edition Budapest print featuring the Ruin Bar and an obnoxious amount of sticker sheets*—including one featuring […]