4 AM Berlin Time or 2 PM Melbourne Time

2 mins read

It’s 4 AM Berlin time—2 PM Melbourne time.

I’ve been up for at least half an hour. It could be the sugar spike from the limited-edition Haribo I binged on late yesterday, but I’m inclined to blame the hotel room we’re staying in. It has weak central air conditioning, struggling to cool down the unnecessarily big room. And the weather is just too hot—we definitely packed the wrong clothes. I might have to do laundry in every city we visit if I’m going to keep wearing the two T-shirts I brought along, while the ten other pieces of clothing I packed are too warm for Europe in September. Who knew???

These thoughts are keeping me awake, along with a long list of places I want to visit in and around Berlin and Germany—like Neuschwanstein Castle or, on a more local note, a stroll around the Turki Quarter, a meal at Meena Kumari, a glass of wheat beer at Cafe am Neuen See and a visit to all stationery stores in Berlin.

In a couple of hours, Fafa will be up for his gym session and will bring me coffee he “steals” from the hotel breakfast place. He did it in Amsterdam and has been doing it here in Berlin as well. Maybe I’ll ask him to get me an iced one instead.

Okay, Berlin I ought to try to sleep! I have an iced latte waiting for me in a couple of hours. Gute Nacht!

Follow me on Instagram @KultureKween for more recent updates.

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