Not A Newsletter: Apr20 Edition - Kulture Kween

Not A Newsletter: Apr20 Edition

2 mins read

Two months of virtual living. So far, I have learned how to say Thank You in sign language and read many articles on the Katakali dance. Next, I want to immerse myself in Wes Anderson movies and learn how to draw self-portraits.

Read, Watched and Browsed

A bucket list I am into THE ITCH LIST. I also watched and recommended The Silent House (old movie but good premise) and the Australian found footage movie The Tunnel. I also watched and liked it, but I wouldn’t recommend The Green Inferno at all.

Foodie Guide-y

I remember sulking some years ago when I called Amma to ask how to cook rice, and she included “wash the rice a few times before cooking it” as one of the steps. Ever since, I have always cooked the rice by following her exact steps.

Then I stumbled upon Nagi’s blog recently, where she suggested that no rinsing is required for rice cooking. At first, I was oh-so delighted and proceeded to commit the sin of cooking unwashed rice. The result? Nope – it wasn’t as good. Something tasted off. I don’t know whether it’s the placebo or there really is a truth in the age-old rinsing wisdom. But from now on, I’ll stick to Amma’s way – rinsing it til the water is clear.

Things in My Mind

I am slowly warming up to lavender milk, and I just spent three hours browsing for Spaghetti Spoon. Since this Corona thing doesn’t look like it will end soon, should I just give up and start wearing Crocs?

Maybe I should do another meditation retreat like I did in 2017. But if they proposed doing it virtually, I would completely lose.

Meanwhile, on Kulture Kween:

Nurtured by Cafe Gaia in South YarraLunch at Nair’s Indian Restaurant in Tokyo JapanVietnamese Food Beyond A Hot Bowl of Pho

Time Machine

Read more about last year’s happenings.

Follow me on Instagram @KultureKween for more recent updates.

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Nurtured by Cafe Gaia in South Yarra

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