Diverse Amster-damn

1 min read

Guten Morgen or something like that from the INNSiDE Amsterdam hotel! It’ll be our last night in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, in Europe.

We arrived in Amsterdam from Helsinki yesterday.

While waiting for our very delayed luggage at Amsterdam Airport, I made a basic B social observation:

Amsterdam Airport is loud—noise pollution is at its peak.

Kids yelling, their parents ignoring them, and unstylish, unshowered people (myself included) talking loudly across conveyor belts.

It was completely different from the demure, smooth, peaceful vibe of Helsinki, including its airport.

Then we went into the city. It was dirty. People constantly throw trash in different spots—again, a completely different experience from Helsinki.

But the people? Well, they looked way more chill—at least from my brief five-minute observation as an outsider who knows nothing.

Varying hair, skin colour, size, style and shape—truly a mixed bunch of global citizens jammed in one single metro car. Happily chatting in their groups, on their phone or silently zoning out. But you know, chill. Cool. Very Amsterdam-ey.

Follow me on Instagram @KultureKween for more recent updates.

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