Filipino Cuisine

Feasting on Filipino Cuisine in Singapore

1 min read

I woke up untroubled and started my Sunday by watching the latest episode of Scandal. I went on a lunch date of yummy Filipino cuisine lunch – pork Sisig – at Gerry’s Grill at Cuppage road. Then we went to Fullerton Bay Starbucks. There I spent some time journaling while Fafa read. We then took the bus to Orchard. The first stop was the Kinokuniya bookstore, where I got Louise Hay’s book. Then we roamed around for a while, including going into two different Pandora stores, and bought a box of cupcakes for moi before leaving. Back home, I tried new things from SkillShare, decluttered my part of the closet, and wrote on my Five-minutes Gratitude Journal before settling into the cold night to watch a mindless Tamil movie accompanied by cider and cheese. It has been a relaxing Sunday.

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